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Server Rules
spikeblade Admin Head Editor Member
2 posts
2 topics
over 2 years ago

1. Do not grief builds, even if they are not claimed.

2. Do not spam the same message or characters.

3. Do not scam.

4. Do not duplicate items/blocks/entities. This includes TNT.

5. Do not build inappropriate things.

6. Do not ask staff for ranks, items or money (obvioulsy unless you are trading!).

7. Do not use any mods and/or texture packs that give you an ingame advantage such as X-Ray. Mini-maps also falls under this.

8. Respect all players regardless of their beliefs.

9. Do not impersonate another player

10. Try to keep English in main chat, other languages can go to /msg.

11. Do not bypass the afk kick.

12. Staff have the final say in punishments.

13. Try not to talk about politics.

14. Do not mention other server IPs.

15. Shop and Town player warp rules can be found at /warp Info

16. Treat ALL staff with kindness and respect, regardless of their rank.

17. Use common sense