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OGCraft 3rd Birthday Celebrations - August 12th 2023
RedstoneSam Admin Head Editor Member
13 posts
11 topics
about 1 year ago

In one month's time, August 15th 2023, we will be celebrating OGCraft's 3rd Birthday! For the events this year we are bringing back a couple of old minigames, a custom built new type of minigame and we are giving away over $100 worth of things from the store!


We will start the events Saturday, 12 August 2023 17:00 UTC so make sure to mark the date down...


Event Schedule

Dodgeball in the Original arena

Changing Maze

Dodgeball in a new, custom built arena

Infected, which is a brand new custom built minigame

Treasure Hunt in spawn

Drop Party time!


There will be prizes for the top 3 people/teams of each game


We will also have some other surprises along the way so make sure you join us!