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Well that’s it folks, our longest map is coming to an end. After a staggering 10 months, Map 7 will be officially closing.


Last map we focused on everything you could see, this time around we have focused on all the behind the scenes things whilst bringing more and more new things to the server.

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Can you believe it? Map 6 is already up and here we are heading into Map 7. This will be the first official map where OGCraft and Pioneer players start together at the same time and progress together under one roof!


Speaking of roofs, we’ve raised it this time round! I think this new spawn is the biggest spawn we’ve ...

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Is it that time already? Yes it is! OGCraft is resetting it’s map!


Like every reset, we have a brand new map! We wanted to go outside the box a little bit and do something we’ve never done before…


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In one month's time, August 15th 2023, we will be celebrating OGCraft's 3rd Birthday! For the events this year we are bringing back a couple of old minigames, a custom built new type of minigame and we are giving away over $100 worth of things from the store!


We will start the events Saturday, 12 August 2023 17:00 UTC so make sure to mark the date down...


Event Schedule

Dodgeball in the Original arena

Changing Maze

Dodgeball in a new, custom built arena

Infected, which is...

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To start things off I'm going to go back to the roots of what our goal is as a server. We want to provide a safe, happy and enjoyable environment for everyone who decides to play on OGCraft no matter your age or background. To do this we have a wonderful staff team who volunteer their free time to bring you the server and all the changes we make along the way. The internet is a scary place and if we can be that light that helps guide people the correct way then we've achieved what we set out to do.


That being said, the other key aspect of the server is you, the players. You playing on the server and voting for the server keeps our numbers up and therefore more people will find the server and play on it. More peo...

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